Course: DTCC Erasmus+ Research Project 6th Semester
Added value: Reduce Meeting time, encourage communication & focus time
Group: with Maximilian Becht and Tara Monheim
my focus : UI design, Architecture, Testing
responsibility: Collaboration, Communication, Planning


In this project, we have intensively dealt with the change in digital collaboration through the years and with all micro interactions that come with it. Through this project we found new ways for ourselves to collaborate better. The project took place in exchange with EKA in Tallin and ESADSE in St.Étienne, supported by Erasmus+. This also allowed us to get to learn about new scenarios and approaches through different individuals with a wide range of focus.


3.5 Minutes is the average concentration time of a person on a task until interrupted by themself or others.

65 Percent of employees state that their work requires them to work very fast.

23 Minutes are needed on average to get back into atopic after an interruption.

What is Bridge ?

Our goal with Bridge is to establish a structured overview of the notifications and information that you receive throughout your workday, by connecting various existing tools and software. Bridge promotes transparency between colleagues by enabling them to share their statuses and activities. This also facilitates the distribution of individual tasks throughout the day, while integrating the different workflows of your team. Ultimately, Bridge aims to create a more efficient and collaborative work environment.

Bridge connects existing tools and software to create a structured overview of important notifications and information received during the workday. It promotes transparency among colleagues through shared activities and statuses, and integrates team workflows. The ultimate goal is to increase efficiency and collaboration in the workplace.


Our hardware-controlled interface streamlines communication during the workday by connecting various workflow apps. Our approach is to provide an intersection that structures and concludes data from other apps. Notifications are sorted not by app, but by project team, using statuses such as "Train," "Lunch," "Quick Break," "On the Way," and "AFK" to indicate availability to teammates. This enhances transparency and improves efficiency in teamwork.The interface offers personalized, sorted inboxes, such as a personal inbox at the top and project-specific inboxes at the bottom. Users can reply immediately to a message and Bridge offers quick action proposals based on the message. Users can also move items to their watchlist for later engagement.Users can assign tasks to their timeline within a certain timeslot for completion, which is automatically visible to others. In timeline view, users can switch to edit mode and intuitively move time slots around, with details such as preparation time before a meeting automatically included.